
You can visit our Google Scholar page for the full list of publications.

"Mapping model units to visual neurons reveals population code for social behavior."
B.R. Cowley, A.J. Calhoun, N. Rangarajan, M. Turner, J.W. Pillow, M. Murthy. Nature, 2024.
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"Compact deep neural network models of visual cortex."
B.R. Cowley, P.L. Stan, J.W. Pillow*, M.A. Smith*. bioRxiv, 2023. [ TweePrint]

"Bridging neuronal correlations and dimensionality reduction."
A. Umakantha*, R. Morina*, B.R. Cowley*, A.C. Snyder, M.A. Smith, B.M. Yu. Neuron, 2021.
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"High-contrast 'gaudy' images improve the training of deep neural network models of visual cortex."
B.R. Cowley and J.W. Pillow. NeurIPS, 2020. [ code]

"Slow drift of neural activity as a signature of impulsivity in macaque visual and prefrontal cortex."
B.R. Cowley, A.C. Snyder, K. Acar, R.C. Williamson, B.M. Yu*, M.A. Smith*. Neuron, 2020.

"Adaptive stimulus selection to optimize a population of neurons."
B.R. Cowley, R.C. Williamson, K. Clemens, M.A. Smith, B.M. Yu. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), pp. 1395-1405, 2017.

"Distance Covariance Analysis."
B.R. Cowley, J.S. Semedo, A. Zandvakili, M.A. Smith, A. Kohn, B.M. Yu. AISTATS, pp. 242-251, 2017. [Supplementals], [ code]

"Scaling properties of dimensionality reduction for neural populations and network models."
R.C. Williamson, B.R. Cowley, A. Litwin-Kumar, B. Doiron, A. Kohn, M.A. Smith*, B.M. Yu*. PLoS Comput Biol, 12(12): e1005141, 2016.

"Stimulus-driven population activity patterns in macaque primary visual cortex."
B.R. Cowley, M.A. Smith, A. Kohn, B.M. Yu. PLoS Comput Biol, 12(12): e1005185, 2016.

"DataHigh: Graphical user interface for visualizing and interacting with high-dimensional neural activity."
B.R. Cowley, M. T. Kaufman, Z. S. Butler, M. M. Churchland, S. I. Ryu, K. V. Shenoy, and B. M. Yu. J Neural Eng, vol. 10, 2013, 066012. [ code], [website]